Waikids services focus on children and young people
From the day a Waikato baby is born until they become an adult, they are a Waikid.
Waikids is the brand that integrates all child and youth health services provided by Waikato District Health Board, whether they are provided in hospital, clinics, in the community or in people’s homes.
A more integrated approach is helpful to families using our services. It helps avoid duplication and coordinates the care of a child and family.
All Waikato DHB's Waikids services are committed to
- raising awareness about health issues
- caring for children with health issues and their families
- keeping children healthy.
If you use our services, you may see the Waikids brand used in our programmes, our forms or publications, and even in the names of our paediatric (child health) wards and clinics.
It is there because we care about the health of pēpi, tamariki and rangatahi - babies, children and youth, and want to work with them and their families for better health.