Patient Blood Management
Patient Blood Management
We are an evidence-based multidisciplinary team approach to improve patient outcomes by improving the patient’s medical and surgical management in ways that boost and conserve the patient’s own blood. As a consequence of better management, patients usually require fewer transfusions of donated blood components thus avoiding transfusion-associated complications.
The Patient Blood Management team is based at Waikato Hospital but provides services and advice across Waikato DHB.
Services include:
- Pre-operative anaemia service – Any patient undergoing major surgery who is anaemic is referred to Patient Blood Management for pre-op anaemia management in their surgical journey.
- Education/support services – Patient Blood Management educate where and when necessary to improve the responsible use of blood products across the DHB.
- Blood Bank (in association with NZ Blood)
Team members include a clinical lead, nurse coordinator, and three speciality clinical nurses, working with a transfusion nurse specialist and a transfusion medicine specialist.
Patient information (LINK)
Key personnel
Dr Scott Robinson
Clinical Lead
Lucia Best
Nurse Coordinator
Waikato Hospital, Hamilton
Contact information
Mob: 027 809 2133
Phone: 07 839 8899 Ext. 98521
Email: patientbloodmanagement@waikatodhb.health.nz