Public Health Nurses
Public Health Nursing
Public health nurses are registered nurses who work to prevent disease, promote health and wellbeing. They work with
- schools and preschools
- families, whanau and communities
- agencies, community organisations and government departments
focussing on infants/pepi, children/tamariki and young people/rangatahi.
Most schools have an allocated public health nurse who makes regular visits to the school; providing support, advice and referrals on health matters.
Public health nurses work includes:
- School based immunisations
- Wellchild/Tamariki Ora in Kawhia, Taharoa, Meremere
- Self-referral clinics in some schools
- Healthy Homes/Whare Ora assessments
- Education and information (for staff and students) in preschools and schools
- Assessment and referral to other services, health or social
- B4 School checks
- Continence assessment; bed wetting, soiling .
- Communicable disease; contact tracing, screening and follow-up of cases
- Health promotion and awareness
- Individual health referral
- Referrals for "Did Not Attend" appointment follow up
Public health nurses are located at most community bases across the Waikato DHB. They can meet with their clients at preschools, schools, on home visits, at workplaces, at a venue of choice or clinic rooms.
Phone: 07 838 3565 - For queries for clients from Hamilton, and immediate rural surrounds
Monday – Friday, 8am to 4.30pm
Your public health nurse can be contacted through the school office, medical centre, Community Services office or the Community Referral Centre.
Referrals to the Public Health Nurses can be made by hospital staff, health professionals, social
agencies, school staff, self-referral or by contacting the public health nurse.