- Waikato Hospital Trauma Service – Patient and Whānau Information (C1329HWF)

Waikato Trauma Service
Waikato Trauma Service
The Waikato Trauma Service are a specialist team of experts providing guidance on best practice in trauma care. We work with Waikato District Health Board (Waikato DHB) teams to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your whānau member.
We work alongside a multi-disciplinary team to ensure that all specialities are aware of your injuries and we will coordinate any tests, scans, operations or care that you need.
Our trauma nurse specialists will work with you and your family throughout your stay at Waikato Hospital and they are available to answer any questions you might have.
Our team are dedicated to assisting and supporting you and your whānau throughout your stay at Waikato Hospital. We will:
- Provide helpful clinical advice
- Assist and support you at meetings
- Help to explain your injuries and the care provided
- Discuss and plan your transfers through Waikato Hospital and your discharge
- Be your first point of contact if you have any questions or concerns.
Key personnel
Mr Grant Christey
Director of Trauma/Trauma Surgeon
Mr Damien Ah Yen
Deputy Director of Trauma/Trauma Surgeon
Bronwyn Denize
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Gina Marsden
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Level 4, Meade Clinical Centre, Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus, Pembroke Street, Hamilton
Phone: 027 323 2589
Patient and whānau information sheets.
If you are interested in reading any of the following information, please ask your nurse to obtain a copy.
- Intensive Care Unit (ICU) – Family/whānau information (C1504HWF)
- High Dependency Unit (HDU) – Family/whānau information (C1505HWF)
- Making your stay with us safer
- Know what to ask – Questions to get the most out of your healthcare (ACC)
- Providing feedback to us
- Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights
- Nationwide Health and Disability Advocacy Service
- Accommodation Options (G3190HWF)
- Kōrero mai – talk to me flyer (W0790HWF)
- Philadelphia Collar brochure (G1441HWF)
- Advice following minor head injury – Accident and Emergency Department Waikato Hospital (G1415HWF)
- Brain Injury Information (ABI)
- Brain Injury Waikato
- Concussion – information for patients and their families – Occupational Therapy (G1628HWF)
- Splenectomy and Hyposplenism – Information for Patients (Doc ID: 5440)
- Going home following cardiac surgery – information for patients and their families (G1320WHF)
The Waikato Trauma Team is led by Mr Grant Christey, Waikato Hospital Trauma Director and surgeon. Our Trauma Nurse Specialists will be key contacts for you and your family as you recover. They are assisted by specialist surgeons and support staff.
Our work is guided by our beliefs and commitments to our values:
- Patients first: The needs of the patient and family guide our actions
- Communication: Open, honest, helpful
- Collaboration: Together we achieve more
- Excellence: Quality care and information
- Forward looking: Integrity, diversity, creativity.
We know that whānau provide vital support and care for patients in hospital. We have supports and services available to help you to help support your loved one as they recover:
The Waikato Trauma Service is part of the wider Midland Trauma System (MTS). The MTS is a network of specialised clinical people committed to ensuring best practice is applied in trauma care across the five District Health Boards in the Midland region (Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Hauora Tairāwhiti, Taranaki and Waikato). They are dedicated to helping trauma patients, their families and the wider community.
Trauma Research Centre
The Midlands Trauma Research Centre (MTRC) is part of the MTS and was established to translate data into knowledge. The focus of the MTRC is to identify and monitor trauma issues which can then be addressed by the appropriate people in the wider team – whether the issues are clinical, systems infrastructure or injury awareness or prevention in nature. The ethos of the MTRC aligns with that of MTS as a whole, in which research will be focussed primarily on the needs of patients, their whānau/families and their communities.
You can find out more information about our work here www.midlandtrauma.nz